We're proud to announce our latest - Team of the Month - 'Cat Scratch Fever' from our Monday Mississauga Coed Soccer leagues. They play both 6v6 outdoor and indoor gym soccer with Average Joe Sports Club throughout the year. Our records indicate Cat Scratch Fever came together in the summer of 2013, but their captain Benoit, elaborated on their backstory when asked for comment "The core got together as a team after we signed up as indies (aka individuals) about 8 years ago. We have grown by including players from other teams and friends. We love playing teams that have been around for a while like us and seeing new teams come up, and a few of us even play in other Average Joes leagues as well." When asked how they settled on the team name? Benoit added "Our team name – Cat Scratch Fever – was created in honour of our former captain and current teammate Catalin, who also convenes for the league." Having played so long, they must have some championships under their belt? Benoit concluded "We’ve not won any championships yet but have been in so many finals it’s not even funny!" Thanks to Benoit and his team for playing throughout the year and to teammate Catalin for his seasons as convener. We feel that championship win is just around the corner for your group! Enjoy your Average Joe gift certificate on us.
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