Why Choose Average Joe Sports Club?

The reasons for choosing Average Joe Sports Club to play your favourite recreational sports are virtually endless. Average Joe Sports Club is fabulous for creating a fun, energetic and exciting recreational sports atmosphere for it's Members! Our Member's enjoy playing sports:

Teams of Friends

Playing with Average Joe Sports Club is a great way to have fun with friends, Stay in shape together (or get in shape in the first place) and most importantly, it is a great way to share some laughs with friends...and meet some new ones!

Office Teams - Corporate

Does your company participate in after work activities to promote office morale and team bonding? If not it should.

Playing sports together is a great way for co-workers to:

  • Get to know one another outside the office.
  • Get exercise, have fun and usually have a good laugh.

Employees playing sports together provides many benefits to Companies on essentially all levels of the business. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Increase Employee Moral.
  • Active employees are more focused.
  • Learning to Play as a Team means individuals are more likely to work well as a Team in the Office.
  • Active employees miss less days due to sickness (which means increased productivity for the business).

Does your company have a social committee that organizes company events?
If so, contact them and let them know that you are interested in registering a company team in Average Joe Sports Club. Companies will generally help by paying for part or all of the registration fees since the benefits from such activities are more difficult to obtain through internal processes.

Does you company have a company event coming up?
Average Joe Sports Club also plans, organizes and runs corporate events.

Significant Others

Play sports through Average Joe Sports Club with your significant other to build a stronger relationship by having an activity that you can both enjoy together. In addition to bring you both closer together, it's a great way to get you both exercising and to stay in shape.


Can't find anyone to join with you? New to Burlington or Oakville? Register as an individual, and let us worry about finding you teammates. It is a great way to meet new people (males and females) that have a common interest. Often, many Teams comprised of Individuals for one season, end up registering the next season together as a team.

Not a Member?

Play with Friends, Meet new People,
Stay Active and have FUN!. Learn more about why you should choose Average Joe Sports Club.

Co-ed 6-on-6 Court Volleyball (Burlington/Oakville)
Saturday, February 22 (9:00 AM - 6:00 PM) Registration deadline in 3 days
Co-ed 6-on-6 Court Volleyball (Hamilton)
Saturday, March 22 (9:00 AM - 6:00 PM) Registration deadline March 17th
Floor Hockey (Spring)
Co-ed Recreational Floor Hockey
Saturday April 12 (1:30 PM - 7:00 PM) (*timing may expand depending on number of teams) Registration deadline April 4th

Not available at this time.
Check back soon!

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Sports Leagues
Basketball (Winter)
Recreational (3-on-3) (Thursday)
Thursdays (7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM) Limited spots available
Intermediate Co-ed (5-on-5) (Monday)
Mondays @ 7pm, 8pm, 9pm starts (possibly some 6pm or 10pm starts if over capacity) Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (6-on-6) (Tuesday)
Tuesday @ 8pm & 9pm starts (possible some 6pm, 7pm, or 10pm starts only if necessary) Limited spots available
Fitness Classes (Spring, Winter)
Boxing Class Series: An Intro to Boxing
Tuesdays (8:15 PM) Registration deadline March 5th
Flag Football (Winter)
Recreational (5-on-5) Indoor Turf (Tuesday)
Tuesdays @ 7pm, 8pm, 9pm & 10pm starts (possibly some 6pm or 11pm if over capacity) Limited spots available
Floor Hockey (Winter)
Recreational Co-ed (5-on-5) (Wednesday)
Wednesdays (7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM). *Potentially 1-2 6:00 PM and/or 10:00 PM Games Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (5-on-5) (Tuesday)
Tuesdays (7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM). Possible 6:00 PM and/or 10:00 PM if necessary Limited spots available
Soccer (Winter)
Recreational Co-ed Gym Soccer/Futsal (5-on-5) (Thursday)
Thursdays (7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM) Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (6-on-6) Indoor Turf (Tuesday)
Tuesdays @ mostly 9pm & 10pm starts (possibly some 7pm, 8pm) Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (Tuesday)
Tuesdays (7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM. Potentially 1-2 6:00 PM games) Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (Wednesday)
Wednesdays (7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM. Potentially 1-2 6:00 PM games) Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (6-on-6) (Wednesday)
Wednesdays @ 8pm & 9pm starts (possibly 6pm or 7pm only if needed) Limited spots available
Intermediate Co-ed (6-on-6) (Tuesday)
Tuesdays @ 8pm and 9pm (some 6pm, 7pm or 10pm starts if over capacity) Limited spots available
Recreational Co-ed (6-on-6) (Tuesday)
Tuesdays @ 8pm and 9pm (some 6pm, 7pm or 10pm starts if over capacity) Limited spots available

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